America's Test Kitchen is a half-hour cooking show distributed to public television stations in the United States, also airing in Canada. The show's host is Cook's Illustrated editor-in-chief Christopher Kimball; the show and the magazine are affiliated, and the magazine's test kitchen facility in Brookline, Massachusetts, is used as a set for the show. Cook's Illustrated's parent company, Boston Common Press, renamed itself America's Test Kitchen in 2004.
America's Test Kitchen is a half-hour cooking show distributed to public television stations in the United States, also airing in Canada. The show's host is Cook's Illustrated editor-in-chief Christopher Kimball; the show and the magazine are affiliated, and the magazine's test kitchen facility in Brookline, Massachusetts, is used as a set for the show. Cook's Illustrated's parent company, Boston Common Press, renamed itself America's Test Kitchen in 2004.