Paagal is an upcoming Indian Telugu-language romantic comedy film directed by Naresh Kuppili, presented by Dil Raju and produced by Bekkem Venugopal under the banner of Lucky Media. The film features Vishwak Sen in the lead role, along with Simran Choudary and Nivetha Pethuraj.
Paagal is an upcoming Indian Telugu-language romantic comedy film directed by Naresh Kuppili, presented by Dil Raju and produced by Bekkem Venugopal under the banner of Lucky Media. The film features Vishwak Sen in the lead role, along with Simran Choudary and Nivetha Pethuraj.
Nivetha Pethuraj, Murali Sharma, Rahul Ramakrishna,
Sri Venkateswara Creations
as Theera