Sethupathi IPS movie starring Vijayakanth, Meena and Nambiar. Terrorism against India is escalated heavily by Indians trained abroad. Sethupathi IPS (Vijayakanth) is a very efficient cop whose entire family has served the country at some time- his mother Satyabhama (Srividya) is an IAS Officer, his maternal grandfather was a soldier who got a medal for killing 200 enemies (a medal which Sethupathi secretly covets) and his father in law (Vijayakanth) is an Inspector General of Police.Sethupathi catches terrorist Sivasubramaniam in a hospital and coaxes him to reveal information...
Sethupathi IPS movie starring Vijayakanth, Meena and Nambiar. Terrorism against India is escalated heavily by Indians trained abroad. Sethupathi IPS (Vijayakanth) is a very efficient cop whose entire family has served the country at some time- his mother Satyabhama (Srividya) is an IAS Officer, his maternal grandfather was a soldier who got a medal for killing 200 enemies (a medal which Sethupathi secretly covets) and his father in law (Vijayakanth) is an Inspector General of Police.Sethupathi catches terrorist Sivasubramaniam in a hospital and coaxes him to reveal information...